Let’s Connect! Introducing Fun & Revitalizing Monthly Events For You.

Top wine Events in kenya, Ledecanter, Wine Club Kenya, Events, Wine by Glass

We would like to be more than a french gourmet & wine store to you. We want to connect & share laughters with you, share in your highs & lows build solid friendships with you and and mostly importantly make you a member of our Le Decanter’s family & Wine Club – Be part of us. It is for this reason that we have introduced new, fun & revitalizing events at our premises, Le Decanter Abc Place, so that we can connect with you and create memorable French experiences worth sharing.

Here are the 3-Main events that we have introduced at our tasting table, Abc Place opposite Chandarana.

The events will start from the month of September 2022. Note that the price packages stated above are bound to change, this is because the Price Package for each event is dependent on the change in drinks and pairings and it might slightly vary from event-to-event.

Apart from the above 3-main events, we have introduced wine by glass to quickly quench your thirst when you are around ABC place. Pop-in, go through the drinks available on the menu and expore the taste of our quality wines that are carefuly hand-picked to enrich body & soul.

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